Tuesday, January 4, 2011


1. The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. This remarkable book turned me on to creativity and the creative process over ten years ago - and it still has a definite hold over me.

2. Walking in this World, by Julia Cameron. A sequel to The Artist's Way, this book takes an even deeper look at the creative process while reminding us all that we're all artists.

3. The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield. No, not The Art of War; this fine little book kicks ass and takes names - and reminds us all that resistance is the enemy!

4. $30 Film School, by Michael W. Dean. Even if you're not a filmmaker, this book will make you look at your art and the creative process in a different way. D.I.Y., baby!

5. The Mission of Art, by Alex Grey. An amazing book that transcends "how" you should do your art and talks about "why" you should do your art - absolutely mind-blowing and mind-expanding.

6. On Writing, by Stephen King. The master of horror and suspense proves that he's also the master of teaching you how to write. Funny, truthful, and worth its weight in gold.

7. Catching the Big Fish, by David Lynch. No, this isn't a treatise on fly fishing; director, painter, furniture builder, and techno musician David Lynch (who was once described as "Jimmy Stewart from Mars") talks about the creative process in his own life and how it works.

8. Coaching the Artist Within: Advice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists, and Musicians, by Eric Maisel. A great book with great examples on how to get your creativity kick-started.

9. The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life, by Twyla Tharp. The legendary choreographer writes a brilliant and straightforward book on the creative process that will make your head spin while motivating you to get creative in your own right.

10. ThinkerToys, by Michael Michalko. Primarily aimed at businesses that want to become more creative, this book will actually help anyone to become more creative.

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